Wednesday, February 25, 2009

around and around...

Have you ever witnessed an animal marching methodically in circles until, as if in response to some whispered command, he decidedly plants himself?

That’s a fitting analogy for knitting in the round– except for the planting decidedly part. There’s something soothing, something primal in the rhythmic completion of the circle – over and over and over. Just one more round…

Pictured here is what is currently keeping me marching methodically in circles.

This is the second half of a pair of sassy fingerless gloves. Only a few more circles remain, around and around…

(Store update – YES, the doors have been flung open!)

Friday, February 20, 2009

let's start somewhere...

Another adventure. Well, sort of.

I'm on the cusp of opening another online store, this one over at For those of you that don't live, breathe and create obsessively, Etsy is a community of talented artists dedicated to preserving the integrity of human-being created art.

I've been lurking in their hallowed halls for a couple of years now in humble admiration of the talented, imaginative artists who market their wares from the Etsy community. Heaps of insipration at every turn.

Am I worthy?

Wish me luck...